Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Adventures in Guinea Pig Land

Last Saturday we bought Georgie from D&B supply. Yesterday we bought a new sow guinea pig (a rescue) From Aqua Care + Critter Hut, a beautiful Abyssinian sow with a tan a white coat.  As it turns out Georgie whom we thought was a sow (we checked three different times) might in fact be a boar.  Because we do not want to be grandparents yet, they remain separated by a good distance to prevent any unsanctioned coupling until we are 100% sure Georgie’s gender.  We are disappointed that we found a lovely new friend only to exchange her, which is hard on the animal.  I would love to say that I have the room to care for them both but we do not.  Caring for two different sexes takes twice the room of caring for two of the same sex and you need two of the major accessories like food dishes, water bottles, and enclosures as well as two more guinea pigs so they are not alone. 

After taking Georgie down to the pet shop they were able to tell me with out any doubt tat Georgie is in fact a female. Which is great news becks we get to keep her new friend too! Now we just need to think of a name.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Busy Weekend

It's been a busy weekend. so here is some catching up.
Friday: nothing special happened on this day.
Saturday: We adopted a very beautiful sow Guinea Pig which we have named Georgie from D&B Supply. Then we went to the pet store to buy some Cavy accessories
Sunday: We took a drive up Holdman road and up through Walla Walla. In Walla Walla we stopped at Pet Co. and bought a Guinea pig book to help us learn what to do with our new friend and to look at other Guinea pigs there.
Monday: I bought some supplies to make a Cavytat. its going to a wonderful place for Georgie and future friends to live and play.

This week, some time, my new Nikon D7000 will arrive. I am also finalizing my school schedule and making sure I will have enough time to "Do the needful."

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Erich, I love You, Happy Birthday!!!

Today is my Middle Brother's 27th birthday. Let me tell you a little about Erich. He can build a computer from spare parts, tear down and rebuild an engine (or so I'm told), smoke a pig and other meats, and change poopy diapers. I'm told he can do all those things concurrently. The changing of poopy diapers has a rather scary connotation as Erich is the father of a toddler, a male child who we will call "The Bean."   Erich is also in the possession of a book called Backyard Ballistics. With a book like that and the ability to stockpile a years supply of dirty diapers and the other skills he has... well I think you get the picture. Fortunately, Erich has decided to use his powers for good, SO Erich "Banana Man" Uhlman, Happy Birthday, this PBR‘s for you!


For those of you that don't know, the Dilbert comic for 3/24 is my job in a nut shell, actually a lot of Dilbert is like my job. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Speaking Softly

I would like to talk about a hero of mine Teddy Roosevelt, his (in)famous axiom, and its applicability to today's global society.  Although not being an overly political person, I won't.  I would however, like to speak to what it means to me to speak softly in today’s world.  As most of us know, today’s world is full of sensational news articles and graphic headlines.  The only way to avoid the bombardment of news is to hide out in a cave or other wilderness area, and chances are you are hiding out in a cave or other wilderness area; the likelihood of bombardment by other means is probable.  That notwithstanding (wow! that one great compound word) the news media today does not speak softly. I feel, the 24/7news media outlets are desensitizing us as a society to anyone speaking with a forthright manner and with due diligence to journalistic integrity.  Sensationalizing news, I feel, discredits those who write it and demeans those it whom is it written. News should be as unbiased however because it is written by man, and unfortunately because news is written by man it can never be truly unbiased (I used the word man here to mean all people because it works).  Therefore, let us head the soft words so we do not end up on the end of a big stick.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A dream

Last night I had a weird dream. I woke up and found over 9 billion people were missing. I then found an old friend form high school was one of the survivor and we went door to door looking for people and gathering supplies because we knew in about 3 to 5 days the power grid would start to fail. During my dream we learn that the missing people were abducted by aliens by targeting a specific gene sequence. Just as I learn that my entire family except me were taken, that's when I was awoken by the middle saying that she had a bad dream. How is it, that someone so small can take up over half the bed and always, no matter what position you or they are in, able to poke you with razor sharp knee or elbow? I mean she is only 3'3" tall and weighs 35lbs. the physics are mind boggling, I am twice her height and about 7.5 times her weight. It has to be those knees and elbows, that is the only conclusion I can come up with. The moral of this story is, do not watch Kill Bill Vol. 1 (please note that the middle did not watch this movie) before going to bed.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Dinner

Tonight for dinner I made a chicken-pot-pie followed by 10" peanutbutter cookie, it was glorious. A chicken-pot-pie is rather easy to make; first make two seprate batches of bisquick biscuits and roll them out to 1/4" and put half in a lightly flowered pie pan. You will also need to heat the oven to 450degs. Next grill three (more or less) boneless skinless chicken breasts in your favorite grilling spices(mine are whiskey and season salt) While thoes are cooking prepare (approx) 1&1/2 cups of milk with about 1/4cup of flour, 1cup of cut corn, and a couple of dashes of season salt over medium heat. When the chicken is ready slice it and put it in with the corn mix. Once this has thickened pour into the biscuit dough in the pie pan cover this with a layer of shreaded cheese and top this with the other biscuit dough and seal the seam. Garnish the top with a sprinkle of more shreaded cheese and some slits in the top to let some steam escape. Bake for 15 minutes. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Brain Feels Like Mush

I have spent the last three weeks literally cramming three different programs in to my brain. When it comes to memory retention I usually do not have an issue retaining that info except as of late. Lately it feels as if my brain doesn't want to learn that which is going to keep a roof over our heads and bred on the table. I do not like to fail, but now it feels like I am going to fail at keeping my life together. Today, I have a placement test to take for school. I think that is why my brain is doing what its doing. I want to do good on the math part of the test, so I have been studying algebra as well. Now you could say that people study lots of things all at once however, when you have not been in school and studying lots of topics at once one's mind has a tendency to crack. I have this fear that my brain is going to ooze out of my head and scamper off.  I try to not let my mind wander... it's too little to be left on it's own.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Look out world, I have my own blog (again)

My goal for this blog is to post something everyday, whether it's a comment on something I've read, a thought or any crazy idea that pops in to my head.  Here you will also see some of the work I will create during my studies while getting my B.S. in Photography. 
I have hooked up Google AdSense (that is why you see adds), so please click on the adds so I can receive some revenue from that.