Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Speaking Softly

I would like to talk about a hero of mine Teddy Roosevelt, his (in)famous axiom, and its applicability to today's global society.  Although not being an overly political person, I won't.  I would however, like to speak to what it means to me to speak softly in today’s world.  As most of us know, today’s world is full of sensational news articles and graphic headlines.  The only way to avoid the bombardment of news is to hide out in a cave or other wilderness area, and chances are you are hiding out in a cave or other wilderness area; the likelihood of bombardment by other means is probable.  That notwithstanding (wow! that one great compound word) the news media today does not speak softly. I feel, the 24/7news media outlets are desensitizing us as a society to anyone speaking with a forthright manner and with due diligence to journalistic integrity.  Sensationalizing news, I feel, discredits those who write it and demeans those it whom is it written. News should be as unbiased however because it is written by man, and unfortunately because news is written by man it can never be truly unbiased (I used the word man here to mean all people because it works).  Therefore, let us head the soft words so we do not end up on the end of a big stick.

1 comment:

  1. not sure if it is because of being desensitized, but each "event" seems to be allotted a week. Then you get to hear about it on anniversaries, etc.

    also, on the idea of "speaking softly" my students understand that when I talk 'quiet' they better listen.
