Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Adventures in Guinea Pig Land

Last Saturday we bought Georgie from D&B supply. Yesterday we bought a new sow guinea pig (a rescue) From Aqua Care + Critter Hut, a beautiful Abyssinian sow with a tan a white coat.  As it turns out Georgie whom we thought was a sow (we checked three different times) might in fact be a boar.  Because we do not want to be grandparents yet, they remain separated by a good distance to prevent any unsanctioned coupling until we are 100% sure Georgie’s gender.  We are disappointed that we found a lovely new friend only to exchange her, which is hard on the animal.  I would love to say that I have the room to care for them both but we do not.  Caring for two different sexes takes twice the room of caring for two of the same sex and you need two of the major accessories like food dishes, water bottles, and enclosures as well as two more guinea pigs so they are not alone. 

After taking Georgie down to the pet shop they were able to tell me with out any doubt tat Georgie is in fact a female. Which is great news becks we get to keep her new friend too! Now we just need to think of a name.

1 comment:

  1. With a name like Georgie, you should name her friend Gracie.

    My kids have cavies also, Toot and Puddle. The last two years they've shown them at the fair for 4-H. They're taking the year off now. Fun pets!
